Polyscias sandwicensis

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Polyscias sandwicensis


Taxonavigation: Apiales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Campanulids
Ordo: Apiales

Familia: Araliaceae
Subfamilia: Aralioideae
Genus: Polyscias
Species: Polyscias sandwicensis (DC.) Harms



Polyscias sandwicensis (A.Gray) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett, Pl. Divers. Evol. 128: 74 (2010).


  • Basionym
    • Reynoldsia sandwicensis A.Gray, U.S. Expl. Exped., Phan. 1: 724 (1854).
  • Homotypic
    • Eschweileria sandwicensis (A.Gray) T.Durand ex Drake, Ill. Fl. Ins. Pacif.: 182 (1890).
    • Trevesia sandwicensis (A.Gray) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 272 (1891).
  • Heterotypic
    • Reynoldsia degeneri Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 15 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia hillebrandii Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 11 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia hosakana Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 18 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia huehuensis Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 12 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia huehuensis var. brevipes Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 13 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia huehuensis var. intermedia Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 13 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia mauiensis Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 16 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia mauiensis var. macrocarpa O.Deg. & Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 7: 17 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia oblonga O.Deg. & Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 17 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia sandwicensis var. intercedens Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 10 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia sandwicensis var. molokaiensis Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 11 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia venusta Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 13 (1952).
    • Reynoldsia venusta var. lanaiensis Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 6: 14 (1952).


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Pacific
      • Hawaii

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Vernacular names

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